It’s Not Good-Bye, It’s Come Along.

I want to thank all those who've I work with in the past. The road has been a very interesting and winding path to where I am now. But the journey has not ended, only changed. The things that the thINKing Canvas, LLC offered are now part of a larger purpose as it transforms into …

Coloring the Experience Economy

Finally pushed all those sketches, illustrations and doodles off my desk and into my first, I emphasis first, graphic book 'Coloring the Experience Economy.' After working with B. Joseph Pine II, co-author of 'The Experience Economy", I have created a collection of ideas, principles and frameworks adapted from his work. Not a just a graphic …

Beyond the Capture

Over the years I have connected with some wonderful and creative graphic recorders and graphic facilitators. I have seen them work as small as a 8.5x11 and as big as 5ft x 20ft. Each with a unique talent and style. This is what makes this profession so intriguing and wonderful. Yet there is still something …

Elixirs, Fixers and Snake Oil Mixers

Experiences, Experiences, Experiences! It's what everyone is taking about these days. Customer experiences, patient experiences, employee experiences and even user experiences. They seem to come in all shapes and sizes. The strange thing is, there appear to be so many "Experience Designers" and "Experience Specialist" it's almost as if it's the Wild West of the …